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Will people in the EU and Canada really stop buying American goods because of the tariffs?

  • March 16, 2025
  • 2 min read
Will people in the EU and Canada really stop buying American goods because of the tariffs?

YES ! millions and millions of Canadians including myself, and EU people and UK people have stopped buying American goods. Here in Canada the boycotts are really building up steam, with provincial premiers on board and stores removing US products from shelves entirely. We now have phone apps that make it easy to avoid US products, and tips on avoiding American every night on the 6 o’clock news. Trump’s assholery has ignited passionate patriotism in other countries.

I boycotted most US products during Trump’s first term, and this time I’m being scrupulous about it. There’s Canadians who’ve sold their American car and bought something else, Canadians who’ve sold their sets of US golf clubs and bought something else, Canadians who’ve sold off American investments.

I’ve discovered fantastic oranges from Morocco, tomatoes from Mexico, grapes from Africa. Some unfindable stuff I either order from afar or go without.

This is what happens when Americans elect a fascistic moron who adores murderous dictators and turns against democracy and allies. (And he still doesn’t know what a tariff is.) What an unmitigated amoral piece of traitorous scumbag shit Trump is. I enjoy sticking it to him every time I shop. And if Americans suffer, serves them right for letting such an unAmerican abomination into their precious White House. The world literally can’t believe how stupid America is. 64% election turnout, pfft. You’d would think the electorate could’ve shown up to save their country from THAT. I hope the pouters who stayed home choke on their remorse.

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