Joe Biden is the reason why everyone points and laughs at America, why can’t liberals see that?

By Cathy Cooper
Because liberals are educated, they follow world news while you are delusional if you think the world is laughing at Joe Biden not tRump!
Just the other day, tRump was addressing Congress and telling them how great he is and how stupid the Democrats are. He told Congress that “They are making mice transgender now”. “Yes, it’s true”, he said.
The problem is that this came from the internet- tRump’s only regular source of news. The actual scientific article which inspired this fake theory was about transgenic mice research. Basically, lab mice are being genetically modified to make their DNA a bit more like humans so that scientists can test mice to learn more about human beings and their resistance to certain diseases.
tRump is so stupid that he believed what he read on the internet and not the actual article. That article shortened ‘transgenic mice’ to ‘trans mice’, and he ASS-umed that this mean that mice were being turned into transgender creatures.
He is the laughingstock. Not Joe Biden, not Barack Obama. Try reading or listening to international news sources before you spout off about how people around the world sees the U.S and its current President. You might actually learn something.
His MAGA-sty is a weak man with a weak brain.