Barrow’s Draft Constitution rescheduled to the Second Ordinary Session in June 2025

By : Ndey Jobarteh
This delay should raise serious concerns. The Government is buying time under the pretext of “building consensus,” but why now and not in 2020, when the People’s Draft was rejected without similar efforts? I quote:
“I have the honour to kindly write on the above subject, to request the indulgence of the Clerk’s Office for the rescheduling of the Second Reading of the 2024 Draft Constitution. This is due to ongoing consultations, facilitated by International IDEA, with the aim of building consensus around the Draft Constitution.” Minister of Justice Dawda Jallow
This move signals two things:
- They lack the necessary support in Parliament, to push the Barrow Draft through right now.
- They are using this delay to manipulate the process, securing the backing they need before presenting it again.
Gambians must remain vigilant, this is not about national interest but pure political maneuvering. If the government truly respected democratic principles, they would have given the 2020 People’s Draft the same level of civic education and stakeholder engagement they are now giving to Barrow’s Draft.
Keep your MPs on watch! Message them, remind them that you reject Barrow’s Draft, and that you are watching how they vote.
If they betray the people, they must not return to Parliament!
Do not be fooled by those saying,”we need a new republic at any cost.”
Yes, we need a new republic but a People’s Republic, not Barrow’s Republic!
Do not let them pressure you into accepting a constitution that does not serve the people’s interests.
This is not a fight between UDP and NPP, it is a fight for The Gambia. From Basse to Banjul, Gambians spoke loud and clear in support of the 2020 People’s Draft Constitution, but Barrow rejected it for his own political survival. Now, he wants to impose a self serving Constitution that is not for the people but for himself, his Cabinet Ministers, NPP/APRC and his allies
We have lived with the 1997 Constitution, and we will continue with it until we get a true People’s Constitution, not one imposed by political manipulation.
Jammeh forced the 1997 Constitution on Gambians, tailor made for himself, used it to kill, murder, rape, arrest, detain, and torture us for 22 years.
Now, Barrow has rejected the 2020 Draft and replaced it with his own, just like Jammeh did. Why? Because he is surrounded by the same people who gave us the 1997 Constitution and are now helping him rig the system in his favor.
This time, We resist! We stand firm, We demand what is right, and We protect The Gambia from another self serving leader’s grip on power!
NO to Barrow’s Republic!!
YES to the People’s Republic!