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Dinkendeyaa!! If you from Kiang, this is the least expected of you.

  • February 24, 2025
  • 2 min read
Dinkendeyaa!! If you from Kiang, this is the least expected of you.

By Madi Jobarteh

We cannot sit by to watch an idiotic brat insult our people for merely exercising their constitutional right as sovereign citizens of this Republic. No Gambian citizen who loves this country should ever sit still to listen to anyone to willfully insult any tribe, religion, gender, region and community in this country.

When Yaya Jammeh insulted the Mandinka at his rally in Talinding in 2016, Gambians of all tribes and regions stood up to hold him accountable. How dare Baboucarr Bahoum face Kiang to disparage them like aliens? Bahoum must be held accountable.

Therefore, I put it to Pres. Adama Barrow as well as the IGP that they have a constitutional duty to protect human rights and enforce the law.

Bahoum’s despicable comments violate the Constitution under Section 25 on the right to opinion and association, Section 26 on the right to vote and exercise political rights, and Section 33 on the right to protection from discrimination.

Furthermore, under Charter 20 on the Directive Principles of State Policy, the President including the IGP have a duty to promote and protect the integration and unity of the Gambia under Section 212. The Chapter went further in Section 214 to impose a duty on them to protect freedom, peace, justice and democracy when it says, “The people shall express their will and consent as to who shall govern them and how they shall be governed, through regular, free and fair elections of their representatives.”

The Chapter even went further under Section 220 on the Duties of a Citizen to state under subsection D that every citizen shall, “respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of others and refrain from acting in a manner detrimental to the welfare of other persons.”

The insulting, derogatory, discriminatory and violent comments of Baboucarr Bahoum have willfully, directly and severely violated the Constitution in multiple places.

The question now is, will the President and the IGP and all relevant authorities uphold their oath of office to defend the Constitution and protect the rights of citizens stipulated therein?

Thank you Binta Njie. You are indeed a bonafide and legitimate daughter of the soil. This is what is called Dinkendeyaa that no amount of position or privilege will make a true son and daughter sell her soul and dignity.

You deserve my respect and admiration for defending the integrity and dignity of your people.

For The Gambia, Our Homeland

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