Conquer Negativity To Live Your Life!!! Part 4 of 15

By Amadou Marong 3DGam/ Global Chairman & Sec. General
“Present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start” – N. Qubein.
You are worth more than the circumstances in the moment. The cars, houses, wives, girl friends, money, grades – none of those define who you are. And this is a hard thing for people to get through their heads.
Most of us judge our happiness based on the things that were going on around us, which is why we spent most of our time unhappy and ungrateful. God has endowed all of us with something unique, and when you look around a little bit more, you will see the 5 finger analogy around. Being happy comes solely in the way we feel about ourselves and the way we handle situations in our lives.
One thing we must stop is letting negative people in our world crush us, but rather lift ourselves up. Let the positive people and things lift us up, but whatever we do, we shouldn’t feed into the negative. There will be people trying to drag you down. But learn to overlook these small “for now” moments people and love yourself regardless of them all.
Many negative speeches centre on your current situation. They will present “facts” and all the necessary “statistics” to show that you can’t go far. In fact, “you can’t go anywhere.” 😨 “You better settle where you are and be content with life!” Don’t listen to all these wet blanket phrases from Naysayers! Be focused and have this conviction that your current situation is where you take your first step from.
Good morning from Eagle Centre 🦅🦅🦅