Feature News World News

Africa’s only rational response to the Trump-inspired world order is to turn inward

  • February 14, 2025
  • 2 min read
Africa’s only rational response to the Trump-inspired world order is to turn inward

Great piece. Yes indeed, not just South Africa’s, Africa’s only rational response to the Trump-inspired world order is to turn inward: fix your domestic governance mess, including corruption and profligacy; elect and support democrats, not kleptocrats; stop haemorrhaging scarce resources through senseless internal and regional conflicts; domesticate your consumption patterns and preferences to support local agriculture and industry; prioritize and advance your regional and continental free trade and related economic integration projects; and, for goodness sake, stop giving away lucrative contracting opportunities (for minerals and other resources) to businesses from countries with racist and Afro-unfriendly policies and practices.

Don’t act as though Africa is helpless without aid. We are not. Far from it! If anything, it is the addictive official dependence on aid, and the corresponding chronic failure to get our acts together that such aid dependence subsidises, that is making us look and act helpless! What we lose through kleptocracy and waste alone dwarves whatever aid we receive. The time to look inward is long overdue.

Source H Kwasi Prempeh.

Madi Jobarteh`s comment

Just read this!!!!

This is not rocket science yet our leaders and their technocrats aided and abetted by the intellectuals, civil society and businesses have shackled Africa to so-called aid and donors for decades. But do we need to get this far to know this? Do we need anyone to tell us this? No way.

We know this by ourselves. We know because we have seen our so-called donors do it this way for decades and centuries.

We know it because we were taught this in school. Yet the impotent and cowardly, lazy African politicians, technocrats, intellectuals, civil society and businesses continue to act like ignoramuses! It’s annoying to say the least. Especially knowing that Africa has been the source and expansion of wealth for the rest of the world except Africa itself! 😡

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